Central News Agency, Jennings and Anderson's Bookshop
3. Central News Agency (CNA) Cleveland Branch
They were there in 1937 when my parents and I moved to Malvern
North side of Jules between King and Queen.
New books only.
Of their rather sparse window display I remember these:
Lavengro by George Borrow, Nelson Classics, red illustrated jacket, 1/9 I think
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde etc. by R.L. Stevenson, an illustrated Nelson edition C8 with an excellent jacket showing Jekyll/Hyde., 4/6 I think
The Pilgrim's Progress by Bunyan (both Everyman’s Lib. Modern jacket 3/1 each).
Over a period of weeks or months I bought all of these with money earned by selling ice-cream in a local cinema (10% and see as many films as I wanted to for free). Lavengro came first, it was the cheapest, had a nice jacket, modern type and eight excellent illustrations by H.M. Brock. It was also the first book that I bought with my own money, Eventually I qot the two Everymans which were still unsold. These 3 I still have.
Don't remember how I got Jekyll/Hyde.
Haven't got it now. Had no occasion to visit this CNA again.
4. Jennings
1940s, possibly earlier
West side of Simmonds, between President and Pritchard. Shop shared with Knight Light company.
Mr Jennings was in his 60s or 70s, of medium height with white hair, wearing a white dust coat.
Used books
Someone In the Room by ex-Private X [A.M. Burrage] 3/-, very scarce. A U.S. Facsimile edition was published about 1993.
I remember that the Knight Lightman, a nice chap, sometimes looked after the books as well. I don't know what happened to Mr Jennings, but by 1956/7 Knight Light had moved to Fraser Street and there were no books. That year or 1957 my mother and I bought an Aladdin blue flame heater from them (a marvellous smokeless paraffin stove made in England. I once saw a picture of the Queen with one next to her).
5. Anderson’s Bookshop
1930s, North side of Commissioner between Eloff and Joubert, Carlton Hotel Building
The only times I went there was during their closing-down sale, probably 1939.
A rather small shop.
New books
Seen: Adolf in Blunderland by ?
Bought: Collins Illustrated Pocket Classics, brown binding, illustrated jacket with list of series inside
I read them all but the only one I still have is Hard Times.